New Frontier

So funny story about this poem… The timestamp for the creation is the 5th of august 2008. See what had happened was I started this poem and just never finished it… I couldn’t quite find the direction I wanted it to go in, until one night, the fevers of writing possessed my brain, (lol whut??), and it came to me. And so on the 22rd of September 2010, in the late hours of the night, I finally freakin’ finished the poem. And here it is in it’s longsuffering glory. The title is a work in progress. Give it a year or so.

New Frontier

Poetry is the new frontier.
To me, it is a frightful forest
Full of ideals, towering and exotic
Clever words, double meanings
To intrigue and delude
Like a subtle jungle cat
And eat me alive at the sign of weakness.
But in this jungle of irony, paradox and rhyme,
There are no natives
Each man to brave the wordy wilds alone,
Leaving trails and allusions of trails.
No man can charter a course,
Because as quickly as butterfly words
Land upon the tip of your tongue like leaves,
They flitter away,
As swiftly as the slender snake of ideas slithers away
Through the grass of inspiration,
Gone in an instant.
Yet some times it reaches you
Like bushfires in a drought of thought,
Brought by lightening
And raging till it is doused
Or, if left alone,
Every fibre of your being,
And it wears itself out
And eventually the last ember dies.
All one can do,
Is not move too fast,
Too suddenly,
Least you disturb it
As it falls,
As delicately,
As remarkably unremarkable
As a falling snowflake,
And capture its beauty
With the paintbrush of your words.
There it is. Can you tell where the two year gap is? 

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