Flash Fiction Friday #3:

(no title yet…. i forgot what i wanted to call it : )

They never could get that right thought the old man wryly with a shake of his silver head. There was something in the act of taking off, the tension in his thighs, the effort of getting past the mental block to the allegedly impossible, the way that the ground buckled slightly when his feet eventually left the ground, that none of the books, the comics, the movies or the TV shows never got, far less for this made-for-TV movie. His granddaughter would laugh at him if she caught him watching one of these biographies, but Johann couldn’t help it. She wouldn’t understand until she too hung up the mantle of The Silver Swift. He missed it, and the based on a true story retellings of his glory days helped him to remember that they weren’t all a figment of his imagination. He looked up to see an actor that looked nothing like him battling with his sidekick turned arch-nemesis Ares in the middle of the town square. He’d forgotten that Marc was coming for tea that evening. It was surprising how after years of therapy and conversation how strong a friendship could spring up between such a notorious enmity.
 The doorbell rang and he shuffled to answer it. He embraced Marc and they stopped in the kitchen for the tea and biscuits. His granddaughter whirled in, whipping off the brown wig that concealed her trademark silver hair.
 “Salut Papa, salut Marc,” she said kissing them lightly on the cheeks. Her eyes twinkled and her cheeks where tinged pink. They knew without asking where she was heading. They shared a nostalgic smile and made for the television, turning to a local newstation. The glow on The Silver Swift’s face was evident on screen even through the shaky camerawork.
 “The thrill of it was beautiful, wasn’t it, Johann. The more dangerous the better,” Marc said with a chuckle.
 “Yes,” he replied. “And the movies never quite got that either.” 

Flash Fiction Friday #21: Fresh To Death

It wasn’t how fresh
his mark was whenever  he went out,
or the way his shirt hung just right,
or the way his  jeans hugged his hips
and the demim kissed his skin,
or the combination of dimples
and bashful smile that always smelled of mint
that got me,
but it certainly helped.

Flash Fiction Friday #31: Dat Is Obeah

This one is a lil bit different cuz i’m not really to use the words, more the ideas of them…. which is what i was supposed to do last week but this one came out much better. i really like it actually ^_^ it lil long doh….

 Kenny sat in his truck as he stared apprehensively at the house. It was one of those old wooden houses with shutters and fretwork that had fallen into the disrepair that came with age. Lonely tufts of grass sprouted between moss-covered, formerly white, pebbles. A large mango tree hung over the fence, suspiciously laden for one so near a boys’ primary school. It was all a little eerie, and that eeriness was what helped fuel the rumours that he remembered from primary school days till now, that the owner and allegedly sole inhabitant of the house was an obeah woman.
 He sighed. His childhood friend Dominic had sworn coming here would be the answer to his problems.
“Big man like you ‘fraid to go an’ visit ah ole lady boy?” he muttered to himself as he climbed out of the truck.  He got to the gate and looked about him. At the base of the mango tree lay the half-eaten corpse of a baby blackbird.
 “Eat anyt’ing from dat tree an’ yuh go dead.”
The memory came back to him clear as day. He shuddered.
 “Good afternoon!” he called out. A small woman peeped out from the side of the house.
 “Yes?” she responded, walking through the yard towards him.
 “Good afternoon Tanty. Ah looking for Miss Lucille. I need a favour an’ they tell me to check here.”
She cocked her eyebrow. “A favour? Dat is what alyuh young people callin’ it now? Come inside, dis is not talk to talk for outside spirits to hear.” She unlatched the gate and walked up the path to her front door. As Kenny followed, he thought he saw small bones scattered about the stones, but he didn’t query. The wooden steps creaked as he climbed them.
 The first thing he noticed as he entered the house was the smell. It was musty and moldy and the high ceiling and the darkness of the room made it seem cavernous. And the porcelain figurines made it seem crypt-like. The figurines that were so common in homes seemed especially morbid in this house, and Kenny wasn’t sure if it was the gloom, the red velvet they were seated on or the general eeriness that enveloped the house, but looking at the figurines scared him so he turned his attention back to the old woman. She peered at him and asked evenly, “What is this favour you need from me now Kenny Baptiste?”
 “Wha-“ Kenny stuttered, confused and a bit distressed. “How you know my name?”
 “Knowing t’ing is my business Kenny. Now what is it you want from me?” she replied briskly.
 “Well,” Kenny started, and paused for a moment to think how best to say it. “Me an’ de wife have been trying to have a baby and she can’t no matter what we do. I was told you could help me.”
 “And how we know you is not de problem boy?”
Kenny bristled. “Because the doctor check. Is not me,” he replied stiffly. Lucille cackled, and her eyes seemed to glow while the pale, sagging skin of her cheeks shook slightly. To Kenny it seemed that selling potions to him in the day was not the only thing this old woman could do. “I shoulda know is not sweet talk you come to do wit’ a ole woman like me.” Lucille laughed again and Kenny tried to suppress his shudder. “Sit down right here and don’t move, don’t touch not’ing,” she commanded as soon as she had contained herself and excited the room through a beaded curtain that tinkled as she passed. As if Kenny would ever do such a thing. The room terrified him so much that he didn’t even want to move too hard to scratch his nose.
 When Lucille returned he let out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. She brought with her two sealed glass cylinders filled with about a centimeter each of something and some leaves wrapped in a paper napkin. “Powdered rabbit guts,” she said holding up the cylinder with the suspiciously brown contents, “And crushed mango seed. Make her an omelets or somet’ing for breakfast and mix them into it. She mus’ eat all.” She held up the leaves. “Make tea for her wit’ dis, no sugar, honey alone if she mus’ have it sweet.” She put them in a bag and handed it to Kenny who cradled it like was gold. “For de whole ten months from de day you give her dis, she is not to eat no kinda blood pudding, none at all, or it will not work.” She looked at him meaningfully to ensure he understood and he nodded. She began to hurriedly shuffle him out the door and down the path till he was at the gate. Kenny felt a little overwhelmed but was glad to see the light of day. He stumbled to his truck and was halfway in when he remembered. “Miss Lucille! How much I have for you?” Miss Lucille smiled almost predatorily as she leaned over the gate, and her small, sharp teeth glistened as sunlight hit them. “No money Kenny. All I want is de afterbirth.”
Kenny recoiled slightly but nodded. As he drove away, the word he had been trying to remember since he’d seen Miss Lucille finally came to him: soucouyant.

Flash Fiction Friday #30: Charmer

Not quite sure if i got what i was supposed to do quite right, but no scene 🙂

The snakecharmer plays his instrument and sways, serene, almost oblivious to the fact that the very breaths he takes enthralls the creature before him. So it was with me and him. The melody of his voice drove me to distraction whenever he spoke to me, and the movement of his hips when he walked away hypnotized me. But he wasn’t oblivious to the effect he had on me. Oh no, it was quite the opposite. He read me like an open book, saw the infatuation on my face as plain as if it were printed in ink, he caressed my spine and knew each page intimately.
He smelled of paint and canvas and ink mostly, but beneath all that lingered the faint but undeniable scent of something citrus. The citrus was the smell that snaked into your nostrils and hung around him no matter what he did, it was in his blood, and his kisses tasted of it. After the puppy love wore off and we grew apart, the citrus is what stayed with me the longest, and even now, it takes me back to the days of flavoured kisses, when his voice captivated me and his hips mesmerized me.

Writers’ Insomnia

I write best late at night. Maybe it’s the silence that forces me and my thoughts to spend some quality time together; a silence that is interrupted only by my fidgeting, or the clacking of the keyboard or a pencil scrawling across paper, or the lack of people bothering or observing or disturbing with their mere presence. Somewhen between midnight and 3am on a good night, when everyone else is sound asleep, my mind is full of ideas, keeping me from sleep and forcing me awake until I let them out.  My suspicious mind thinks that anyone who happens to hear me probably assumes I’m watching porn or doing something naughty, but I can’t help it. The urge burns me with fervor most foul; it is an itch I must scratch. As to whether it’s any good in the morning, however, is an entirely different kettle of fish.

Flash Fiction Friday #22: When I Drink

(ah find d permalink! plus the link for the blog itself is HERE. also, i don’t drink. seriously).

when i drink,
the warmth trickles down my throat,
settles in my tummy for a moment,
then rushes off to curl my toes.
the warmth then moves to my head
to cloud my judgment,
heighten my thoughts,
and dull the reasons why i don’t think about them.
the warmth then envelops me,
heats the tips of my ears,
then whispers into them,
and tells me i’m invincible,
and so i am.
but eventually the warmth dissipates,
the toes uncurl,
clarity returns with a friend,
the pounding in my brain,
and i’m left with the cold,
and just how invincible
i am not.

Flash Fiction Friday #18: Dance

Let it be known that prance is an incredibly UNATTRACTIVE word.
fff#18: (inclusion) dance, glance, trance, prance, pants

she enters as the music dims to announce that dj prance would be supplying the tunes for the night. the club is dark and the crowd moves, almost in a trance, to the carnal demands of the pounding bass. she makes her way from the bar, drink in hand, to join the mass of bodies pressed together as they dip and sway in time to the music. she takes a glance around her, and their eyes meet. she bites her lip and their eyes say all. they meet halfway. his hands run up the length of her thigh and fingers hook on the loops of her pants. their bodies mold together as they begin to move in time. and then they dance.

New Frontier

So funny story about this poem… The timestamp for the creation is the 5th of august 2008. See what had happened was I started this poem and just never finished it… I couldn’t quite find the direction I wanted it to go in, until one night, the fevers of writing possessed my brain, (lol whut??), and it came to me. And so on the 22rd of September 2010, in the late hours of the night, I finally freakin’ finished the poem. And here it is in it’s longsuffering glory. The title is a work in progress. Give it a year or so.

New Frontier

Poetry is the new frontier.
To me, it is a frightful forest
Full of ideals, towering and exotic
Clever words, double meanings
To intrigue and delude
Like a subtle jungle cat
And eat me alive at the sign of weakness.
But in this jungle of irony, paradox and rhyme,
There are no natives
Each man to brave the wordy wilds alone,
Leaving trails and allusions of trails.
No man can charter a course,
Because as quickly as butterfly words
Land upon the tip of your tongue like leaves,
They flitter away,
As swiftly as the slender snake of ideas slithers away
Through the grass of inspiration,
Gone in an instant.
Yet some times it reaches you
Like bushfires in a drought of thought,
Brought by lightening
And raging till it is doused
Or, if left alone,
Every fibre of your being,
And it wears itself out
And eventually the last ember dies.
All one can do,
Is not move too fast,
Too suddenly,
Least you disturb it
As it falls,
As delicately,
As remarkably unremarkable
As a falling snowflake,
And capture its beauty
With the paintbrush of your words.
There it is. Can you tell where the two year gap is? 

Flash Fiction Friday #29 Curlylocks

Flash Fiction Fridays

Trigger: (starter) as much/little as

As much as it may surprise some, the way I wear my hair now a days did not start off as this huge social statement many take it to be. I mean, two and a half years ago when I decided to go free and be happy to be nappy with the hair one Carnival Friday for school, I didn’t really have anything on my mind other than, “Hmm, what the hell can I do with my hair that isn’t a bun or 2 ponytails or spending 3 hours with a flat iron?”
 My memory is a little hazy, but I remember a lot of people being intrigued, and I’m sure there were some “what d hell goin’ on wit’ she boy?”s, and I certainly remember a friend saying that a friend of hers found my look “funky”, (though to be honest I was also going through my tie faze and it may have been a lot for him to handle), but it didn’t matter. I liked the hair, I liked how I didn’t have to fight up with it and I liked how it framed my face. And thus, the Powerpuff Girls were born! Not really, but my signature look certainly was.
 A couple months later I cut my hair to the shortest it had ever been, (chop chop chop, PIECES), and didn’t look back. I perfected the various formulae for product that would provide me with maximum curl and minimum frizz and my flat iron took a back seat. The hair with its bigness and puffyness and its notice-me-ness began to grow on people, and the naysayers became less frequent, (though as they say, those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind, and my close friends always liked my wild look), and people began to associate me with the hair.
 Doh feel I forget I called my hair a social statement however. I like to joke about how I don’t let Babylon dictate the style I choose to wear my locks, but like the best jokes, there is truth in my jest. I don’t need to straighten it if I don’t want to. I still do different things with my hair from time to time, but I always remember that straight isn’t the only “nice hair”, natural and curly is beautiful too. There are those who disagree still, I know, but I can’t say that I care, honestly. Who vex loss. Talk done.