On the Distribution of One’s Heart

On the Distribution of One’s Heart
(A Haiku Quintet)
I had given my
heart to someone who
know how to hold it.
Instead, they cradled
it like an adolescent
with a stranger’s
awkward and uneasy,
with a fear of falling
head first and snapping.
I gave my heart to
someone who didn’t
quite want
it and was surprised
when they gave it back.
They said to keep it
safe, but
their fingers left

Heart Burn

Hey guys, i’m not dead! I wrote a poem and everything. Read on for delicious teen angst. -.-

You are bad for my heart.
Premature ventricular contractions,
Unexpected palpitations,
Chronic pain that no
Clinically proven prescription can palliate,
With prolonged burning from passions
Long since passed.
All you’d left was a hole,
And I was defective.
Recovery is slow,
I’m still clogged with thoughts of you,
But the heart is a muscle
So I’m working it out to be stronger.
Remission lulls into complacency,
So relapse is swift, acutely reminding
That chronic pain is persistent.
It is a return of the now-expected,
Unexpected palpitations:
You are still bad for my heart.