
I am beginning to name my knots.

Let one in my neck be Wanting

from every time I clenched my jaw after breathing in her scent.

Let the tightness in my shoulder be Disappointment who is also called Shame

a product of still wanting him to touch me

even though we both know he shouldn't

and being caught between recoiling and not.

Finally, the chronic ache in my back will be Distance

from consistently loving people that are too far away.

In the same way one muscle contracts as the other relaxes

these pains are interconnected

and I know that all these names mean the same thing:

I hold on for far too long and I need to learn to let go.


I only love those

slender boys with slight frames when 

they remind me of



Moonlight pours through my
window and reminds me that
while the days are too dark
the nights can still be bright.

Dear Beloved

An open letter to
everyone I’ve ever convinced myself I loved.


I am still sorry.

I fear that you were just the

first in a long line

of men I will be

all too willing to bury

my loneliness in.


 Now that I’ve figured

that you wronged me, I am not

ready to forgive.


I loved you more than

you knew, but you were still right:

it was not enough.


I have learned what the

infinite tastes like but

I still haven’t learned

that people can’t be

 fixed because they
aren’t broken,

or that I deserve



i’ve grown accustomed

to the pain. in your absence

everything else aches.


for D.

With the righteousness of youth
I convinced myself
That sharing whispers
-of your weight
-of your diets
was made nobler by the secrets
(my secrets)
you’d spilled like ink.
But ink fades.


I dreamt of salt
and woke with my mouth watering.
I dreamt of salt
and awoke in a blanket of sweat
and the scent of the sea
clogging my nostrils.
I dreamt of salt
and woke up bitter.