
They promised that insomnia
Would bring words
Like long awaited rain,
But instead it
Keeps you awake too late
With your distractions
And makes you miss your thoughts,
Then sleep long enough
For the days
To seem one.
Insomnia only brings
And agitation,
And when that
Wears you out,
A sleep too black
For thought to thrive.
Insomnia doesn’t bring rain;
It is the storm grey
Cloud that teases
And threatens,
Then flitters away
Whispering promises
To come another day.


i’m really not amused. must this really be the theme of my first piece of the year? sigh. also, i’ve added a like button to all content. feel free to use 🙂

I know your secret.
You wait until the taste
Of you has 
All but faded
To spring forth
And remind me
That you’re still there,
To make sure
I never forget.
I know your trick,
But that doesn’t
Mean I don’t
Fall for it every time.


I have a tabanca.
I miss the warmth,
The sunshine,
The shade of green,
I miss the freedom that comes
With knowing exactly where you’re going
‘Cause is there you born and raise,
I miss the kiskadee song in the day
And the cricket chorus at night.
I miss the twelve hours of sun,
I miss the sno cone,
I miss the red mango.
I miss the soca
And the piccong,
I miss St James 
And the way it’s
Never at rest.
I miss the view
Of the city from
Lady Young Road,
I miss the renegade
Poui trees that decide
Now is the time to bloom,
I miss the hibiscus.
I miss the way
You know Christmas coming
Due to the smell of paint
And the new curtains,
I miss the sound of rain
On a galvanize roof,
I miss home.

Flash Fiction Friday #34: The Traveller

So i decided to play a lil ambitious with this one, i wanted to get an epic poem feel, then i kinda didn’t feel like settling down to write, hence the delay. not sure if i’m completely satisfied with the end result, but i certainly don’t hate it.
i could have gone subtle with the words but i decided against it.

The traveller had been warned against this route
Though it promised to be quicker.
Could survive anything
that was thrown at him,
Was his boast,
Though the weariness that licked his feet,
The hunger, his belly,
And the cold, his back,
Threatened to prove him wrong.
Before he could regret his pride,
In the distance appeared a light,
Luck was still at his side.
He made it to the door
and knocked thrice upon it.
It was opened to reveal
A kindly old widower
Who offered,
In return for his company,
Free lodging and even fare for the night.
Once inside and warm,
With promises of food to follow,
Our traveller settled to listen
To the old man’s yarn.
He spoke quite fondly
Of days that had been too long past,
And lovers long dead,
And the ways things 
Should have turned out instead.
When the traveller received
His warm meat
And cold ale,
He proposed a toast
To warm feet,
A good roast,
And goodwill to all men.
When our traveller awoke
By the light of the dawn,
His benevolent host
Was no where to be found.
The room was far less attractive
Without the light of the fire,
And the hearth seemed
Too cold for a flame
Only hours expired.
Nonetheless he gathered
His effects and dusted his coat,
And continued his journey
To where he was bound.
Only when he was
Well along his way
Did it occur for him to wonder,
That perhaps his host wasn’t human,
Perhaps his host was a ghost.

Days Like This

Days like this are the worst.
Days where I stumble around
In states of undress;
Listlessness has made me hot.
Days like this I wish
I’d taken up smoking.
At least it would give me
Something to do
With my hands,
My mouth,
My lungs,
Least the Devil
Seeks to employ me
With his other idle souls,
While I wait
For the universe,
To figure out what to do with me…
Days like this are the worst. 

The Little Things

It’s the little things
that make me think of you.
(the smell of stale smoke,
brushing my hair,
the way the boy at the corner stood
as he waited for a bus).
When they come,
as thoughts often do,
I’ll inhale,
try to still my heart,
flush the thoughts away,
Of course it never works,
but I can’t help but try,
and maybe one day
the little things
will be just that:

Flash Fiction Friday #21: Fresh To Death

It wasn’t how fresh
his mark was whenever  he went out,
or the way his shirt hung just right,
or the way his  jeans hugged his hips
and the demim kissed his skin,
or the combination of dimples
and bashful smile that always smelled of mint
that got me,
but it certainly helped.


I’m being very mean to these two pieces and posting them together because they’re both fluffy bits of silliness…. 


I like you.
Stupid me.
Stupid you.
Me for liking,
You for being so likeable.
But alas,
So be it,
I like you.

There’s the first one. And this is the second.


Maybe in another life,
If I still weave words
And you still write symphonies,
I’ll write you sweet nothings
And whisper them in your ear
While you play me a song
That only I will hear.