The Journey
Ode To Cigarette Adonis
I’d like to make it explicitly clear that I am not a smoker and this poem is a glamorization of something that happened this one time….
Ode To Cigarette Adonis
mama doesn’t want to grow old
I sent this to The Student Press one time and it got published and people nearly exploded tryna maco who it was about… I said it was about no one because they wouldn’t quite understand, but whatever…
Deadly Sins
New Frontier
So funny story about this poem… The timestamp for the creation is the 5th of august 2008. See what had happened was I started this poem and just never finished it… I couldn’t quite find the direction I wanted it to go in, until one night, the fevers of writing possessed my brain, (lol whut??), and it came to me. And so on the 22rd of September 2010, in the late hours of the night, I finally freakin’ finished the poem. And here it is in it’s longsuffering glory. The title is a work in progress. Give it a year or so.
New Frontier