
I would write you everyday.
Poems and scribbles and notes,
Until you learned
The unevenness of my hand
The habits of my penmanship
The chaos of my scrawl.
In a world of dying paper and ink
They would save every scrap
Torn from the back of notebooks
Jotted down on well-folded receipts
They would compile anthologies of my sweet
Until children who had long forgotten pens and lined paper
Would press their fingers into the ink and
And know this is what devotion feels like.

No Rest For the Wicked

Inspiration rides the dregs of a late-night caffeine high,
brain bubbles like a percolator on speed,
firing synapses are the prodding pokers that keep me awake,
inciting me to violent turns of phrases,
penpoint picks at an itch long left unscratched.

They say to hide one’s light under the bushel is a sin,
and this must be my punishment.
No rest for the wicked.

Post Number 1

Hi. I’ve started this blog in an effort to stimulate creativity. I suppose I can post the stuff I have written to prove that I am actually capable of writing, but i mainly hope to be doing flash fiction fridays, (click here for the person who organizes the fff and her bloggity), but other than that, it’s good to write, and I can’t claim to be a writer if i don’t do any writing! So, stay with me, fair reader, and a promise i will make it worth your while 🙂